Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Brain Tumor Symptoms

What to look out for with brain tumor symptoms, I wish we knew ages ago.

Some of the things that appeared could have easily been put down to old age, and they appeared to be quite unrelated.

A lot of my dad's brain tumor symptoms were quite mild and really he had had for years.
Things like shaking of the hands, depth perception, left eye problems.

It's funny (not ha ha funny but strange funny) my mum always had an inkling that something was wrong. Dad had done some odd things for some time. Nothing really out there. Just little things that were a bit odd and unusual. This all played on her a bit and all the family didn't really think too much of it. But there were all brain tumor symptoms, just very mild. The brain tumor symptoms didn't become bad until things went down hill very very fast.

I look back now and still think the biggest brain tumor symptom that we should have picked up on was the problem solving.

And you know what the second biggest brain tumor symptom was. He went to the optometrist to get his eyes checked. The optometrist said that dad had had a mild stroke. his peripheral vision in the left eye was terrible. Dad didn't think he had had a stroke at any stage. but the optometrist kept on about it. Little did we know then that was a brain tumor symptom. The optometrist had found it by accident when testing vision. Funny how these little things are easy to see now we know what brain tumor symptoms are.

If you suspect something, get it checked sooner rater than later. Time matters.

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