Tuesday, September 11, 2007

An option for brain tumors.

Although this will be too late for my dad, it is great to hear of some advances.

I hope all this goes well.

Tailored virus kills brain cancer cells in mice
Tailored virus kills brain cancer cells in mice

Sept. 11, 2007
Courtesy M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
and World Science staff

A cus­tomized vi­rus in a mouse study killed stem cells that cause an ex­tremely ag­gres­sive, te­na­cious brain can­cer, re­search­ers re­port.

Sci­en­tists at the Un­ivers­ity of Tex­as M. D. An­der­son Can­cer Cen­ter in Hous­ton, Tex­as an­nounced the find­ings in the Sept. 18 is­sue of the Jour­nal of the Na­t­ional Can­cer In­sti­tute.

The vi­rus “can tar­get and elim­i­nate the cells that drive brain tu­mors,” by es­sen­tially forc­ing them to eat them­selves, said study co-author Juan Fue­yo. The re­search­ers said they ex­pect to sub­mit a re­quest to launch a clin­i­cal tri­al of the vi­rus, called Delta-24-RGD, this month.

They tested the vi­rus against the most ag­gres­sive brain tu­mor, glioblas­toma mul­ti­forme, which orig­i­nates in spe­cial­ized cells known as glia, Fue­yo said. Glia sur­round and sup­port neu­rons, the brain cells that con­duct elec­tri­cal sig­nals.

Glioblas­toma mul­ti­forme re­sists radia­t­ion and chem­o­ther­a­py treat­ments and is so in­va­sive that sur­gery al­most nev­er elim­i­nates it, Fue­yo and col­leagues said. Pa­tients suf­fer­ing from this ma­lig­nan­cy live on av­er­age for about 14 months with treat­ment.


Anonymous said...

Good to see research ongoing. My dad has an aggressive type grade 4, and has surgery, radiotheraphy for a short while, the chemo by tablet for. This started 3.5 yrs ago, he has just been told that the tumor is now growing aggessively again. His quality of live is now deteriorating, he cannot decide wether or not to restart his chemo treatment, knowing full well the his quality of life is deteriorating. His has 3 - 6 months to live, possibly 8 if he has treatment BUT his quality of life will suffer. This would be memory loss (already started to get worse), muscle loss in the RH side of the body.
Its a sad situation. He is 70 yrs old & lives in UK. The doctors are calling him a miracle, as he has survived this long. Well past their expectations. Originally he was given 12-18 months to lve.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post. Good research. There is one site who had explained detailly about the brain and its disease. And what are the symptoms of the brain cancers and can it can be cured. Brainhealthandpuzzles.com Please visit this site and get more details about the brain diseases.

Brainhealthandpuzzles - early symptoms brain cancer

raju ahamad said...

Your post is so valuable. Thanks for researching about it.


Unknown said...

Hi there! glad to drop by your page and found these very interesting and informative stuff. Thanks for sharing, keep it up!
- brain tumor research