I didn't know that until recently, but it makes perfect sense. My Dad's tumor is right down in the middle of the brain, just near where his optic nerves join on. Hence we now guess why his vision was effected. It also effects his balance and some of the nervous responses.
What can you expect with a brain tumor down there in that part of the brain. Well sight affected, balance affected, muscular movement affected. The brain tumor my Dad has must be on the left hand side as his entire left hand side is affected. Left arm, left leg, left eye etc. He has huge trouble looking left and the peripheral vision on the left hand side is now almost non-existent.
Enough of me rabbiting on, the following are the best guesses I could find about what affect different the location of the brain tumor has on the symptoms of the patient.
Frontal lobe tumors - Changes in personality and intellect. Un-coordinated walking or weakness of one side of the body. Loss of smell, occasional speech difficulties.
Parietal lobe - Difficulty in speaking or understanding words. Problems with writing or reading. Difficulty in co-ordinating certain movements. Difficulty finding your way around. Difficulty with numbers (doing simple calculations). Numbness or weakness on one side of the body.
Occipital lobe - Loss of vision on one side. The person may not notice this at first and it may sometimes be discovered during routine eye tests.
Temporal lobe - Fits may cause strange sensations: a feeling of fear or intense familiarity (dé jà vu), strange smells or blackouts. Speech difficulties and memory problems.
Cerebellum - Lack of co-ordination which affects walking and speech (dysarthria), unsteadiness, flickering involuntary movement of the eyes (nystagmus). Vomiting and neck stiffness.
Brain stem - Unsteadiness and an un-coordinated walk. Facial weakness, a one-sided smile or drooping eyelid. Double vision. Rarely, vomiting or headache just after waking; difficulty in speaking and swallowing. Symptoms may appear gradually.
This came from http://www.cancerbackup.org.uk/Cancertype/Brain/Causesdiagnosis/Symptoms
The image also came from them.
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